Happy National Handbag Day! I, like most women, have owned several handbags in many shapes, sizes and colors. I can appreciate a good purse when I see one, and love when other women compliment mine.
Sweet Monday themes are designed with women in mind. Hostesses choose topics that will appeal to the women in their community, so it is no surprise that the Purse Swap has been a popular theme among our hostesses. At a Purse Swap, women are asked to bring a gently used purse they are willing to part with. Then women play a variation of the “White Elephant” gift exchange with the purses, and everyone leaves with their new-to-them handbag. It’s a win-win for women looking to get rid of an old purse in exchange for a new one.
The Purse Swap theme was so popular that Sweet Monday founder Kim Newlen hosted a Giant Purse Swap at the University of Richmond Robins Center on May 22, 2006. In attendance were close to 2,000 women looking to walk away with a new-to-them purse. Local celebrities donated purses that were given away during the event and a purse donated by Katie Couric was auctioned to raise money for Sweet Monday. The University of Richmond, Ukrop’s, Occasionally Handbags of Carytown and DreamDinners of Chesterfield were among the sponsors that day.
Unless you are going to a purse swap, you are free to leave your purse at home when attending a Sweet Monday monthly social. Nothing is ever sold and money is not collected at these monthly gatherings – no obligations and no strings attached. Instead you will find laughter and fun as women gather to be encouraged by each other and by God’s Word – fun and faithfulness. Visit our Find A Sweet Monday page to find a Sweet Monday near you.