One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. William Shakespeare
For me, two minutes and 30 seconds made the whole world kin! That was the amount of time I, along with my family and thousands of others, experienced a total eclipse of the sun.
WOW! That’s the only way to describe hearing crickets chirp, seeing stars appear, and being enveloped in total darkness at 2:45 in the afternoon. Wow, wow, wow!
Those of us in the zone of totality exulted in God’s majestic splendor. And for a few moments, in a world rife with political division, civil unrest, sin and violence, we all came together. And we all looked heavenward.
It was magical. We put our differences aside and shared a common vision – an almost inexplicable and totally awesome act of nature. No matter our race, our party affiliation, our gender orientation or age, we stood side by side and witnessed in unison what was for most of us a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Lord, you reveal yourself every day in more subtle ways – a cleansing rain shower, a gorgeous flower blossom, or a towering tree. I pray that your children here on earth can bond over less spectacular signs of your omnipotence.
Thank you for drawing our eyes skyward for a brief shining moment. Cardboard glasses with special lens were essential that day. On a daily basis in the grittiness of life, we need to look all around us through your holy lens.
As Ephesians 1:18 so eloquently states it: “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling.”