“He [God] has made everything beautiful in its time.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11
When was the last time you found yourself in a waiting room? This was my situation last Thursday when I went into a doctor’s appointment. As I waited to be called, it was interesting to observe the demeanor of others as they waited too. My first thought was this is a little like being in an elevator. No one wants to make eye contact! Then, I surmised with the people gathered in this one room, although no one spoke a word, there were many life stories being lived out in the moments that passed by. Like myself, I’m sure someone has recently experienced the death of someone they loved. Others may have been feeling the weight of financial struggles. Maybe some were dealing with relationship issues. Whatever their circumstances, everyone in the room had a story and it is so easy to get caught up in our own personal world that we fail to realize the broader scope of humanity.
Life is hard and can be unpredictable! If we are in the “waiting room” of “ease and challenge free” expecting to be called to enter, our wait will be one of frustration as there is no one on the other side of the door. But, there is a “waiting room” where hope does abound. The Bible promises, that through Jesus Christ, “All creation waits in eager expectation … to be liberated from bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.” Paul writes, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18-21)
We all live in a generation where instant gratification is expected. Waiting is a difficult concept for many of us. What or whose waiting room are you in?
Help me, Father, to want what You want for my life and for the lives of those I love and to fully understand its’ value, as I wait for completion. AMEN
To The One, Christ, Who “was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” (Hebrews 9:28)