“Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Twenty-two videos and counting! No, that’s not how many I’ve watched today. That’s how many I’ve made of Bible moments for our K-6 online school in the last six weeks. I’m so not techy. And trying to learn things remotely or on the screen has taxed my brain. There’s a new kind of exhaustion.
How about you? What have you been doing? What new thing have you learned? What has surprised you? What has exhausted you while you’ve been sheltering in place?
- You’ve been cleaning out closets you haven’t dared open.
- You’ve had time to make picture albums or at least the pictures are organized by years!
- You’ve tried a dozen new cookie recipes and haven’t had anyone to share them with.
- You’ve been teaching school even as your own children have needed you to help them with school. You are first responders and essential workers.
- All of you with children in school have certainly earned management degrees in this SIP season.
- Some of you grandparents have also been the teacher or cafeteria worker or screen audience for reading!
- Some of you have set up your office space while managing all the ‘office’ spaces in your home as well as the internet usage!
- Some of you – like me – don’t have children at home. That can either make us feel guilty because we don’t have to manage the crew or sad that we don’t have activity around us and leave us frustrated that we can’t help out that single mom or stressed parents we know.
If our walls could talk! What repeated words would they echo? What laughter would spill from them? What prayers have seeped in? Think of all the times God’s people were sheltered in place
- When all manner of critters, creeping things and people lived on a boat together.
- When freed slaves learned how to walk between Red Sea walls of water.
- When God’s Presence in the cloud or pillar of fire told them when to stay put and when to move out.
- When a scarlet ribbon sheltered a Gentile woman during the collapse of Jericho’s wall.
- When a trusting young widow was sheltered by a kind Kinsman Redeemer.
- A rebellious prophet was quite a catch in the belly of a large fish!
- When a praying prophet was sheltered in a lions’ den.
- When God was sheltered in a young woman’s womb.
Can you imagine the conversations that came from those – and many more -scenes? And so the Story goes. What story will you have to tell? What video can you record? What picture can you paint? What letter can you write. What will you tell about our Way Making God because of these days?