“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; grief, crying and pain will be no more, because previous things have passed away. Then the one seated on the throne said, ‘Look, I am making everything new.’” Revelation 21:4,5
Recently, this remarkable sculpture, The Knife Angel, completed in 2018, came across my path. This work of art, created by artist Alfie Bradley and the British Ironworks Centre was fashioned from over 100,000 blunted knives. The purpose of this 27 foot tall masterpiece was to highlight knife crime and the terrible effect of violent behavior in the United Kingdom. “Two hundred knife banks were produced by Ironworks and amnesties held for individuals to anonymously donate their knives. Many were sent in by the police that had been taken as crime samples.”
We have 4 lovable and extremely active children. Our youngest son is 10 years old. This precious little boy has enough energy to supply power to a small village. After months of quarantining, I recently informed my former Army Ranger, extremely steady husband of the fact that “I have felt like a camp counselor for the past 5 months and have no new material left!”
(This enthusiastic declaration was followed by a visit to a closet and a few shed tears.)
The quiet moments when a soul feels completely overwhelmed can bring clarity. God is ever so timely and faithful with His sweet reminders.
In the midst of death, chaos, confusion, uncertainty…when I’m tempted to seek shelter in a closet because meeting needs feels exasperating…I’m reminded that our gracious Heavenly Father is very much seated on a glorious eternal throne. He is very much in the business of taking what is ugly and hard and re-purposing for kingdom purposes.
A pale comparison at best, but like the Knife Angel, God is currently “making all things new”…redeeming all things for His glory!
Stay in the game sweet sisters!