His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence. 1 Peter 1:3
Have you ever felt woefully inadequate for a task? Unqualified. Nothing to offer. Like a nightmare where you had to do a presentation in front of a class on a topic you knew nothing about knowing there would be someone present who knows more than you. Way more than you.
That’s how I was feeling this weekend. I’d signed up to teach the 4th grade Sunday school class on Sunday morning and I was getting cold feet. My confidence was quickly waning as I played the scenario in my head over and over. We have several great and very experienced teachers for this class, what am I doing trying to teach this week’s lesson? I’m not a Bible scholar, I’ve never been to seminary. I can’t stay on track in my Bible reading and fall off the wagons of prayer, Bible study and quiet time on a regular basis.
Not only am I unqualified to teach 4th grade Sunday school, I have no business writing devotions for Sweet Monday either. Sorry about that, but this week it’s my turn. While sometimes I feel God impressing something on my heart, this week I’ve got nothing. I was supposed to send this devotion to Jamie last week before she left for her vacation. I didn’t forget about writing it, I just didn’t have anything to write.
As I lay in bed Saturday night asking God to use me in spite of myself as I prepared to teach the next morning, I remembered what our dear founder Kim Newlen often said to me, “You have everything to offer in Christ.” As I let this thought permeate my mind and heart I felt a sweet nudge from the Holy Spirit. As I decreased, He increased. Truly I have nothing to offer except Christ, but in Christ, I have everything to offer.
My Savior, my Rock, my salvation, my peace, it all comes from Jesus.
I woke up early Sunday morning to review our Sunday school lesson with a renewed spirit and confidence, not in myself, but in Christ, knowing that His word wouldn’t return void and that He can speak through me, in spite of myself.
Day was breaking in beautiful shades of pink as I sipped my coffee and meditated on God’s faithfulness and His word. The message was simple – salvation is through faith alone. Christ plus anything is nothing. Nothing plus Christ is everything. Like the hymn says, “Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling.”
“Hallelujah, all I have Is Christ” to offer you. And He is enough. The glorious sunrise reminded me of Easter morning.
Sweet sister, you have everything to offer in Christ … and every morning is Easter for those who are in Christ.