“Work smarter not harder.” This is a phrase we often hear when it comes to being efficient. What we may not realize is that this principle is actually biblical. Moses was advised to select capable leaders to help him bear the load of governing the people of Israel (Exodus 18:13-26). Jesus selected 12 disciples to carry out the mission of spreading the gospel (Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 9:1-2), and then He gave the Holy Spirit to empower all believers to do the very same thing (Acts 2).
As leaders/hostesses of Sweet Monday, we want to encourage you to delegate responsibility and empower those who are faithful to your group. If you are single-handedly trying to invite people, lead and host, it could be a little overwhelming. Encourage your women to pray and ask God to reveal the women they should invite each month. Possibly, partner the women so they can pray together each week and hold one another accountable. Maybe consider asking a friend to be the host and open her home each month so all you have to focus on is leading the lesson. Give another person the responsibility of preparing the dessert. These are a few simple ways to lighten the load and engage the others.
When those who attend your Sweet Monday have a small role, they will become more invested and take some ownership of the group. In time, you will find the task of being a leader less overwhelming. And the best part is that you’re gradually building new leaders. When your group gets to the point where it is so filled with people, you can encourage one of the faithful to start their own Sweet Monday! This is a way we can guarantee our hostesses won’t get burned out and Sweet Monday will continue on for years and years to come. Being a great leader means sharing the load and empowering others to become leaders themselves.
If you would like to learn more about Sweet Monday – who we are, what we do and why we do it, visit our About Us page.