“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1, NIV
Have you ever seen a chicken run around without its’ head attached to its’ body? No? Well, fortunately, neither have I, nor do I want to see such a sight. However, there are days when, if I could sufficiently imagine that headless chicken, my countenance might resemble hers. She runs in endless circles hither and yon not having any sense of direction. Mixing my metaphors, you might say when this happens, she and I are both “spinning our wheels” and getting nowhere.
This summer, because of having decided to go back to school, my days are full of reading, and writing, (no arithmetic. I haven’t qualified yet!). I’m trying to understand online technology so that I can do all of the above studies. Several years ago, after my husband, Richard, passed away, I promised myself that from that moment on, I would keep a reasonable perspective on what in this world warrants tears. No crying on the golf course over a poorly executed game; no crying in traffic, (or yelling!). Recently, I felt the urge to shed a few tears over my struggles in one of my classes when I remembered my vow. So, I stopped for a moment, closed my eyes (no tears) and asked God to calm down my brain and show me how to rest in his presence.
As I consciously drifted into the peaceful “arms” of Jesus, I thanked him for allowing me even to be able to learn new things as my body and brain continue to age. When I opened my eyes, I could see the beauty of his creation, the ocean, an amazing variety of magnificent birds. And, I could feel the gentle, warm breeze blowing all around me. Thank you, Lord, for bringing me into a living relationship with you, through Jesus so I can experience moments like this; a relationship where you are no further than a breath away. I love you!