All around people are taking steps away from and towards.
Graduates who are both exhilarated with being “done!” Fully aware (maybe) that next steps mean change whether it is a summer job, college, a gap year, looking for a job, travel, but probably moving of some kind. Maybe moving back in with mom and dad. Step by step.
Spring and Summer weddings fill the weekend which also means showers, parties, travel, rehearsals. The walk down the aisle or the walk into a new home. Moving of some kind. Step by step.
Vacation time or at least the dreams for summer schedules from school and jobs. Maybe it’s just knowing traffic will be different driving to work. That is certainly the case here on our island where there is one way to get to the University of Hawaii! Slow step by step.
This week my husband and I stepped away from our church that has been home for over ten years. The Father has directed us in a clear and promise keeping way. While there are tears in our throat, there is hope in our steps. He knows the way. Step by step.
Whatever the season, steps are a natural part of life.
Sometimes those steps feel slow or even at a standstill when the unknown is staring back at us in a hospital waiting room, or a chemo treatment, or a fresh grave. Sometimes they are moving so fast that it is hard to catch a breath. Sometimes the steps are lonely when you move into a new neighborhood, new job, new discipline. Or maybe it’s surprise steps in a friendship or with a family member. Maybe the steps mean a new trust and obey with Jesus that feels crazy. Maybe it’s that step across the street to invite a new neighbor for coffee or to a Sweet Monday evening. Maybe it is steps that take you to a quiet spot in the house to look into the Father’s Book.
Remember His promise – I AM…The Lord who directs the steps of the godly and delights in every detail of your life. (Psalm 37:23 NLT)
Step by step.
Cindy Gaskins