Sweet Monday Board & Staff – 2018
Front: Edith Parks, Lindi Jarrett, Ashley Phillips
Back: Amy Bohlen, Cecilia Pitts, Jamie Breeden, Anna Billingsley, Paula Nelson, Jennifer Russell, Not pictured: Cherry Stone
Sweet Monday Board – 2017
Front: Cherry Stone, Lindi Jarrett, Paula Nelson, Amy Bohlen, Jennifer Russell
Back: Julie Strange, Jamie Breeden, Edith Parks
Not pictured: Anna Billingsley, Ashley Phillips, Donna Suro
Sweet Monday Board Retreat
We have our “so-excited” faces on at Sweet Monday! What a blessing it was to retreat together as a board of directors and celebrate all that God has done in Sweet Monday! But, we didn’t stop there. We celebrated what He is doing right now in our lives and in this wonderful ministry! But, more than that, we also celebrated what He is going to do through Sweet Monday as more and more hostesses reach women in their neighborhoods, churches and communities with the love of Christ! Now that’s exciting.
God is always worthy of praise and celebration. He is so good to us and our hurting world needs to be reminded over and over again about His love for us. His love that gave us Jesus, His only son, so that through faith in Him, we would have everlasting life!
We packed 26 hours with celebration, praise, thanksgiving and lots of strategizing and planning. The first thing we did was to lay down stones of remembrance. God has done so many amazing things in Sweet Monday and we took the time to say thank you for each and everything He’s done for us.
Afterwards, we were all led in a time of personal reflection and listening to the Holy Spirit. Sweet Marti Scudder of Missions Development International (MDI) joined us via Skype and laid out our guided listening time for us. We all dispersed to different locations and set apart time to read God’s word and listen to what He wanted to say to us.
We worked through lunch where our accountant Sweet Jenifer Cryer shared our most recent financial statements with us and we celebrated and praised our Generous God again for the way He meets all of our needs above and beyond what we ask of Him.
After lunch Amazing Alisa Malone, also with MDI, spurred us on in our committees to visualize what God is going to do, and then lay out a plan of how it could happen.
We are so excited to share about our new emphasis on our Sweet Monday Hostesses. We want to make disciple-makers. So watch for new ways we will encourage and equip our Hostesses through social media, training, encouragement webinars, prayer partners, mentors and more!
Also, we will be hosting some awareness and fundraising events in select cities. If you would like us to come promote Sweet Monday in your area, please contact us and we will work out a date to do just that.
Go to “Find a Sweet Monday” to see if there is a Sweet Monday in your area.