“Remember that the sky, the highest heaven, the earth and everything it contains belong to the Lord your God.” Deuteronomy 10:14
One Sunday I was sitting in the den and I told my sweet roommate that I missed church today because I did not hear my alarm. I felt terrible, like I missed something important. It was the strangest feeling. All of a sudden, I heard God say, “Write a devotion about cool breezes.” I went outside to think about it and the wind started to blow and I felt God’s leading.
I started to think about my precious grandsons who are 4 and 7 years old. I thank God for them every single day. They love the outdoors. We walk and they run and jump in the creeks and look for bugs. We talk about how God created everything around us. The wind blew on our faces as we watched little streams of water flowing in the creek. We stopped and my 4 year old looked up at the tallest tree and said, “It’s Jesus.” I said, “Camp, what did you say?” He said, “Jesus loves us.” I was overwhelmed hearing that little voice say how God’s love is all around us. We sometimes fail to see it, but not a little child who just likes to play outside.
We stopped to eat a little lunch and talked about our beautiful walk and how we could reach out and touch God’s creation. When we walked home, we watched the setting sun cast a beautiful light across the trees that I knew only God could create. It is when we pause in His presence, we feel closest to Him and the safest.
Have you ever thought about what you would do if you did not have that feeling of warmth from God’s love? His love is like a river that never runs dry. With His love and protection for my little guys, I know God will send His grace and love. It is flowing down from His throne above. That is why when I put my head on my pillow at night I can rest knowing the ones I love are safe in His care.