“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”
Hebrews 10:23, NIV.
Fifty-fifty. I’ll meet you halfway. If you’ll do this, then I’ll do that. These are some words and phrases we might hear or offer up ourselves when settling on a compromise. The definition of a compromise is “an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.” Most of us would agree that to find a compromise in an otherwise impossible situation is the best outcome for all; in many cases, it is the only reasonable solution.
Because the human condition is set on fairness, this may be why we find it hard to accept God’s gift of grace, forgiveness and eternal salvation. We want, somehow, to earn our way or at least meet God halfway, otherwise, how can we deserve such generosity? During the season of Lent, Christians often try to create a hardship as a way of identifying with what it means to sacrifice. Friend, though a tender aspiration to be sure, no sacrifice is worthy as an offering for forty days, forty years or forty-thousand eternities! We come to God with empty hands. The only sacrifice God desires and will accept is our seeking and open hearts.
Take a closer look at the word compromise. Without the prefix com, which means “together,” the word becomes “promise.” Our hope is not that together with God that our sacrifices or attempts at doing penance will somehow help us reach a bargain. No, our hope is Jesus plus nothing else.
You see, there was nothing fair about Jesus giving His life for yours or mine, but the decision to do so was not ours to make. According to the Law in God’s court of justice, “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23, NIV.
Will you accept God’s gift? If so, tell Him, now, and rejoice!
Sherry Sharp