“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is thy name in all the earth!” Psalm 8
Unlike August of 2017 when I was situated in the path of a total solar eclipse, I witnessed on my TV screen the full majesty of the 2024 event.
Seven years ago, I heard only the oohs and ahhs of family and friends gathered near me. This time, I saw and heard exclamations of wonder from folks all along the path, from Mexico to Maine. Nearly to a person, they peered heavenward. Here are words and phrases that were repeated regularly:
miraculous, once-in-a-lifetime, spiritual, majestic, emotional, heartwarming, Biblical, awe-inspiring, magical, unifying, spine-tingling
Bill Nye, “The Science Guy,” described the experience as PBJ: passion, beauty and joy.
For a few hours on April 8, in a world rife with divisiveness, people put aside their differences to stand together for one shining moment. They saw God display His utmost glory. Onlookers cried, children shouted, folks sang, and couples exchanged wedding vows.
But did God have to go to such lofty celestial lengths? My Lord reveals Himself every day in more subtle ways – be it a cleansing rain, a trilling songbird, a gorgeous blossom, a towering tree, or a vibrant sunrise.
There’s no need to wait till 2045 when we can again witness the razzle dazzle of the moon covering the sun. God rejoices when we bond over less spectacular signs of His omnipotence. We should be uniting together and looking skyward even when no special cardboard glasses are required.
Psalm 8 goes on to express what many viewers must have felt during the solar eclipse:
When I look at your heavens, oh Lord, the moon and the sun, which you have set in place, who am I that you are mindful of me?
No worries. It doesn’t take drama above for us to know that the Lord is with us always, even in the lowliest places. And the Psalm assures us, as children of God, there is no eclipsing this fact: We are each crowned with His glory and honor.